
The “Joy” of Handing in Essays

Last week, reading distractions notwithstanding, I managed to hand in the first essay of my MA. It was only a short one, a mere two thousand words (which is how long the longest of the undergrad module was), worth only 10% of my final mark for this module. A taster-essay, if you will, to practise… Continue reading The “Joy” of Handing in Essays


Quest 1: Stephanie Garber and Katherine Rundell

I’ve played it safe in recent years, for my reading. I’ve stuck to authors I know and love, and books I know and love. But in my Quest to Read Them All, obviously I will have to try other books. Other authors. Experiment with new-to-me genres. Styles. Books I wouldn’t ordinarily read. And try not… Continue reading Quest 1: Stephanie Garber and Katherine Rundell


Rhymes and Rhythms: Children’s Picture Books

Tiny has been given books. At the six-month health visitor review in Wales, the Book Trust, by way of the Library, provides books for the babies, to encourage the parents to read to the little ones. Nothing fancy or complicated. Just a couple of board books. One with the Welsh translation. Photo by Pixabay on… Continue reading Rhymes and Rhythms: Children’s Picture Books


The Start of the Spring-Clean

It is perhaps a little early to think of spring-cleaning: we’re still in the depths of winter, though the lightening evenings are bringing a hint of optimism to this largely sofa-bound person. But, this year, M and I are doing a massive spring-clean, which involves new furniture and a complete reorganisation of most rooms in… Continue reading The Start of the Spring-Clean


Remembering Reads: The One Hundred and One Dalmations

One of the more dangerous side-effects of having to organise or pack away books is rediscovering books you’d forgotten you had or which you’d misplaced and hadn’t been able to find, and starting a reread. I can’t remember why now, but a little while ago I was trying to find Dodie Smith’s The One Hundred… Continue reading Remembering Reads: The One Hundred and One Dalmations