
2024.20: Reading Antigone

Dystopia is not my preferred genre of choice. Sci-fi, not so much in books, though I do enjoy Star Trek. It seems to work better on screen, for me. But, having read Kamila Shamsie’s adaptation of Sophocles’ Antigone, and then two translations of Antigone (Seamus Heaney’s and Anne Carson’s), it seemed only fitting to find… Continue reading 2024.20: Reading Antigone


2024.11: Delia’s Grated Chocolate and Almond Cake

For the first time in a long time, I have topics, at least, planned for about the next month. It’s a comforting sort of feeling, knowing what to write about each week. I may even begin drafts ahead of time again. Get myself properly organised. Only, this week, I was supposed to be writing about… Continue reading 2024.11: Delia’s Grated Chocolate and Almond Cake